
Can I have an apostrophe in an email address?

Can I have an apostrophe in an email address?

Yes, you can indeed include an apostrophe or single quote in your e-mail address. However, e-mail providers don’t always recognize nonalphanumeric characters, so proceed with caution. Additionally, having too many nonstandard characters will confuse other people.

Do Gmail allow apostrophes?

Usernames can contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and periods (.). Usernames cannot contain an ampersand (&), equals sign (=), underscore (_), apostrophe (‘), dash (-), plus sign (+), comma (,), brackets (<,>), or more than one period (.) Other than this rule, periods (dots) don’t matter in Gmail addresses.

What characters are allowed in an email address?


  • uppercase and lowercase Latin letters A to Z and a to z.
  • digits 0 to 9.
  • printable characters !#$\%&’*+-/=?^_`{|}~
  • dot . , provided that it is not the first or last character and provided also that it does not appear consecutively (e.g., [email protected] is not allowed).

Why does Outlook 2016 put single quotes around email addresses?

The single quotes mean that the address is not in your contacts folder or the sender’s contacts folder. If you click the To button and select a contact from your contact folder, there won’t be any single quotes.

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What do apostrophes mean in Outlook?

Replies (4)  Outlook is providing a default “Display As” value when the sender (or you) specified none. It has no affect on your ability to send messages. It shouldn’t affect your ability to search either. If the address is ‘someone @ somewhere’, and you enter “someone” in the search box, your address should be found.

Is semicolon allowed in email address?

Don’t use it. The semicolon could theoretically be used, but must be quoted. Because of this you should probably not use it. Used by RFC2821 and RFC2822 to enclose an email address.