
Can I help my cousin become a US citizen?

Can I help my cousin become a US citizen?

As a citizen of the United States, you may help a relative become a lawful permanent resident of the United States by obtaining what is often referred to as a “Green Card.” To do so, you need to sponsor your relative and be able to prove that you have enough income or assets to support your relative(s) when they come …

Can someone immigrate to the US without a sponsor?

Who has to have an affidavit of support in order to immigrate? Anyone applying to be a permanent resident through a family member must have a financial sponsor. A sponsor is also required for a family member coming to work for a relative, or for a company in which a relative owns 5 percent or more of the company.

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Can you get a green card without a sponsor?

There are also ways to get a green card without a US company sponsor. Two of these ways are: (1) the EB1A visa; and (2) the National Interest Waiver. Through both of these options, you do not need a job offer and you do not need a company to file an immigrant visa petition on your behalf.

What relatives can you bring to USA?

Table: Relatives for Whom You May Petition

  • Spouse.
  • Children (unmarried and under 21)
  • Sons and daughters (married and/or 21 or over)
  • Parents, if you are 21 or over.
  • Siblings, if you are 21 or over.

Can you sponsor your cousin to USA?

In reality, significant wait times can make it difficult for U.S. citizens to sponsor even close relatives and U.S. citizens cannot sponsor non-immediate relatives (such as nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents) to immigrate to the United States.

Can I sponsor my cousin to come to the US?

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Citizens and legal residents may not petition to enter into the country so-called “distant” relatives, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.

Can I invite my cousin to USA?

the U.S, you need to write a letter to the U.S. Consulate inviting them to visit you in the U.S. Your invitation letter should include the following: your name, your passport ID#, your reason for living in the US, the names of your family members/friends who wish to visit you, their passport ID#, the purpose and …

Can cousin sponsor green card?