
Can I prepare for UPSC and judiciary simultaneously?

Can I prepare for UPSC and judiciary simultaneously?

IAS Helpline / Exam Faq Answer : CSC:Dear Rahul,the Judiciary paper is whole different than the Civil Services Examination. Although, if you are well conversed in Judiciary Examination and have already prepared for it, you could take Law as your optional and then start preparing for the CSE.

Should I prepare for UPSC or judiciary?

Generally Speaking, UPSC requires slightly more effort than judicial services, For one, a candidate needs a more articulative brain, For later more of a memory, power is required. Both of them an equally tough task. UPSC Exam – The effort is more coordinated in UPSC due to its more generic nature of the syllabus.

What is the procedure to prepare for Judicial Services exam?

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The current trend is that candidates start preparing forJudicial Services Examinations only after completion of their LL.B. degree. If they begin their preparation early through self-study mode, there will be no requirement of any type of coaching.

What is judjudicial Services Examination (JSE)?

Judicial Services Examination which is commonly referred to, are entry-level exams for law graduates to become a judge of the judicial department. The state governments under the supervision of the respective Hon’ble High Courts appoint members/judge of the lower judiciary based on the competitive examination that is Judicial Service Examination.

What is PCS (J)-Provincial Civil Service-Judicial Examination?

Judicial Services Examination or the PCS (J)-Provincial Civil Service-Judicial Examination which they are commonly referred to, are entry-level exams for law graduates to become members of the subordinate judiciary.

Is law an optional subject in the Civil Services exam?

In mains, law is one of the optional apart from General Studies Law is one of the most scoring subjects in civil services exam but we are required to understand the nature of questions and specific areas from where the questions are being asked by UPSC.