
Can I send my book to Penguin?

Can I send my book to Penguin?

How do I submit my manuscript or abstract to Penguin for publication? Penguin does not accept unsolicited submissions, proposals, manuscripts, illustrations, artwork, or submission queries at this time. This includes submission of work previously published elsewhere.

How do I get a Penguin book deal?

How to get a book deal

  1. Step one: Literary agent sends manuscript or proposal to editors.
  2. Step two: Editor shares the manuscript with their publishing colleagues.
  3. Step three: Editor makes an offer for the book.
  4. Step four: Accepting an offer.

Do publishers accept unsolicited manuscripts?

Although the major traditional publishers do not accept unsolicited proposals or manuscripts, many smaller publishers do, including a modest number of imprints of major publishers. (An imprint is a “division” of a larger publisher.)

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How do I submit a penguin manuscript?

If you are unsure how or where to submit your request, please email [email protected] with the title of the book, author’s name (including any known co-authors or contributors) and specify which type of use permission for which you would like to reply and we will confirm the proper address.

How do I publish on Penguin Random House?

Penguin Random House LLC does not accept unsolicited submissions, proposals, manuscripts, or submission queries via e-mail at this time. If you would like to have your work or manuscript considered for publication by a major book publisher, we recommend that you work with an established literary agent.

How much does it cost to get a book published by Penguin?

Costing between $99 and $549, depending on whether the writer wants to format their ebook themselves or plump for a “professional print and ebook” option, the Book Country self-publishing option will give writers 70\% of the sale price of a book priced above $2.99, and 30\% of a book priced between 99c and $2.95.