
Can I use bulbs with different wattage?

Can I use bulbs with different wattage?

Yes, you certainly can use bulbs of different wattages in your fixture. The fact that one socket pulls more current is not important. Bulb size is mostly a matter of light distribution and heat management. It’s not relevant here as long as you don’t have them up against something flammable or enclosed too tightly.

Can you put a 60-watt bulb in a ceiling fan light?

If your ceiling fan light fixture is the sole source of light for the room, you’ll want a bulb that can provide the most illumination as possible. Anything less than 800, such as a standard 60-watt incandescent bulb, will simply not be bright enough for lighting an entire room.

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Can you put higher watt bulb in ceiling fan?

A bulb rated for a given wattage and lumens is less efficient (uses more power) than a bulb that is rated at less wattage but produces the same or more lumens. For example, the 100-watt “replacement” LED pictured in your first post pulls 14 watts of power so it’s well within the 60-watt restriction for the fan.

Can I put a 60-Watt bulb in a 40-Watt ceiling fan?

Yes, you can use it! A 60-watt equivalent LED bulb uses around 8 watts on average. That’s 5X less than a 40-watt incandescent.

What watt bulb can I use in ceiling fan?

Some ceiling fans use regular sized bulbs (Medium base) in their light kits. Unlike a household lamp or ceiling light, many ceiling fan manufacturers cap the usable wattage at 60W or 40W.

What watt bulb should be used in a ceiling fan?

What kind of bulb is compatible with my ceiling fan? CFL, incandescent, and LED bulbs with E26 socket can be used on this ceiling fan. However, it is important to follow wattage recommendation of the fan (190W max).

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What happens if I put a 75 watt bulb in a 60-watt?

It simply means that the bulb, whether CFL or LED, is able to produce as much light as a 60-Watt incandescent. If your fixture is rated to accept 60 Watts, you can safely use 75W, 100W, or even 125W equal bulbs (which all draw less than 50 Watts of power) instead.

Can I put a 60-watt bulb in a 40-watt ceiling fan?