
Can I use Pine-Sol instead of bleach?

Can I use Pine-Sol instead of bleach?

You shouldn’t mix Pine-Sol and bleach because doing so is extremely dangerous. The active ingredient in Pine-Sol is glycolic acid. According to the Department of Health, mixing chlorine bleach with acid produces chlorine gas.

Is bleach a better disinfectant?

Bleach is a strong and effective disinfectant – its active ingredient sodium hypochlorite is effective in killing bacteria, fungi and viruses, including influenza virus – but it is easily inactivated by organic material.

Is Pine-Sol a good cleaner?

A favorite household cleaner since the 1920s, Pine-Sol is a multipurpose cleaner made with pine oil. Pine-Sol isn’t corrosive like bleach and also leaves behind a fresh, pine scent. You can use diluted Pine-Sol to clean hardwood, linoleum, tile, counter tops and several other surfaces.

What strength bleach solution can be used for disinfecting implements?

EPA-registered tuberculocidal disinfectants and solutions of 5.25\% sodium hypochlorite (household bleach) diluted between 1:10 and 1:100 with water are considered appropriate for this purpose.

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What happens if you mix bleach and Pine Sol?

Mixing bleach and Pine-Sol in specific proportions releases toxic chlorine gas. Chlorine is extremely poisonous and quickly causes loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest and death when inhaled. These cleaning products must be used separately. Chlorine bleach and Pine-Sol are both powerful cleaning products that emit strong fumes during use.

Is it OK to mix Pine Sol with bleach?

Pine Sol should not be mixed with bleach or any other household cleaners. Mixing these chemicals can produce toxic gases. Pine oil cleaners, such as Pine Sol, contain different types of alcohols, according to New Mexico State University. These alcohols can create chloroform when combined with bleach, according to Texas State University.

Can you mix Pine-Sol and bleach?

Vinegar: When bleach and vinegar are mixed together, the combination creates chlorine gas which can cause eye irritation and breathing problems. Ammonia: Bleach mixed with ammonia creates chloramine, a gas which is similar to chlorine gas. Pine-Sol: If you mix bleach and Pine-Sol in large amounts, it will create chlorine gas.

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What germs does Pine Sol kill?

In some tests, Pine Sol was found not to be able to kill germs or inhibit germ growth. Mr. Clean is said to kill household germs in 10 minutes. Tags: pine-sol, louie, germs.