
Can revolvers have more than 6 bullets?

Can revolvers have more than 6 bullets?

But do all revolvers carry six rounds? Nope. They can carry as five, six, seven and more. If you need an extra shot or two for a scene, there are revolvers out there with more than six.

Is there a 9 bullet revolver?

The Ruger LCR has proven to be an impressive revolver. It’s lightweight, easy to handle, and chambered in 9mm. A 9mm revolver can share ammo with 99\% of the handguns I already own. This 9mm revolver is like every other and requires you to use moon clips for easy loading and ejection.

What revolver has 9 shots?

The distinguishing characteristic of LeMat’s revolver is that its 9-shot cylinder revolves around a separate central barrel of larger caliber than the chambers in the cylinder proper.

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Is a S&W 686 A good gun?

The Smith & Wesson 686 is a fantastic revolver with utter reliability, comfortable ergonomics, and beautiful aesthetics. Its accuracy and customization are par for the course. But for a personal protection gun it’s perfect and comes in different barrel lengths and even a Plus model with 7 rounds of .

Does Smith & Wesson make a 7 shot revolver?

The Smith & Wesson Model 686 is a six- or seven-shot double-action revolver manufactured by Smith & Wesson and chambered for the . 357 Magnums: the Model 581, Model 586, Model 681 and Model 686.

Why do you only load 5 bullets in a revolver?

An accident was waiting to happen. This is why up to this day it is recommended to load 5 rounds only and to leave one chamber empty. Then the empty chamber can be turned to be right in front of the hammer. In this way the revolver will never shoot by accident.

Do 9mm revolvers need moon clips?

Moon clips are actually required for most revolvers chambered for semi-automatic calibers like 9mm, . 40 S&W and . 45 ACP. The moon clip rides inside the indented groove in the case, and functions like a cartridge rim to set the headspace for the cartridge when chambered.

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Does Smith and Wesson make revolvers?

Leading manufacturer of pistols, revolvers, rifles.

What pistols hold 10 bullets?

Both the Glock and Sig have double stack magazines that can hold over 10 rounds. The Sig Sauer handgun can hold 15 rounds, while the Glock .