
Can RTI be done anonymously?

Can RTI be done anonymously?

RTI Anonymous is an online service, through which, any Indian citizen can File Right to Information (RTI) Applications Anonymously. They DO NOT HAVE TO REVEAL THEIR IDENTITY. The original requester just has to draft the RTI Application as much as he/she can and the RTI Anonymous community will take care of the rest.

Can we file RTI for free?

No RTI fee is required to be paid by any citizen who is below poverty line as per RTI Rules, 2012. However, the applicant must attach a copy of the certificate issued by the appropriate government in this regard, alongwith the application.

Can I file RTI with fake name?

In a move to protect whistle-blowers in the country, a division bench of the Calcutta High Court on Wednesday ruled that a petition under the Right to Information (RTI) Act can be made by using only a post box number without giving the name and address.

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How can I file RTI offline in India?

RTI filing offline Address the application to the concerned state or central Public Information Officer and mention on ‘Seeking information under the RTI Act – 2005’ in the subject line. Put the request in the form of a detailed and specific question mentioning the year or period the plea falls in.

Is ID proof mandatory for RTI?

The citizens will now have to attach their identity (ID) proof along with the applications seeking information under the Right to Information (RTI) act from the public authorities, the Punjab and Haryana high court has ruled. It will ensure that only genuine persons file applications,” the court said.

Can RTI be withdrawn?

As per the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005, there is no concept of withdrawal or cancellation of the RTI application once it was filed with the public authority. The reason behind this was to protect the interest of the RTI applicant.

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How do I file an anonymous RTI? is a platform that allows any citizen to simply and conveniently file an online RTI request at no cost. The person can even remain anonymous. YouRTI will send the request to the government office along with the filing fee. The responses are completely open and available to the public.

How safe is RTI?

It is safe to file RTI for any information relayed to public interest or which is related to the applicant but if you are asking any information related to the security of India then it is exempted in RTI under following provisions.

Can a Cpio ask for identity proof?

He also said that the CPIO had no authority to demand the identity proof and to ascertain whether information available will be useful to him either personally or socially or nationally. In addition, the CIC stated that, “the CPIO can deny information only under Section 8 and 9.