
Can sea water be used in construction?

Can sea water be used in construction?

Seawater contains about 35,000 ppm dissolved salt and total salinity is approximately 3.5\%, of which 78\% is sodium chloride [1]. Thus, seawater is avoided to use as mixing water for reinforced concrete, because the risk corrosion of reinforcement bars was induced by chloride in seawater compounds.

What will happen if sea water is used for preparing concrete?

The strength of concrete reduces when seawater is used for mixing. Seawater slightly accelerates the early strength of concrete. But it reduces the 28 days strength of concrete by about 10 to 15 percent.

Why sea water is not recommended for construction?

In sea water, chloride is present which will cause corrosion of steel and iron which ultimately leads to reducing carrying capacity of steel and iron, so that the structure built using this may not be sustainable..

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Can you use saltwater for concrete?

In conclusion, mixing and curing concrete in seawater increases the early compressive strength, but the seawater has a negative effect on the compressive strength of concrete at ages over 28 days.

How does sea water affect the properties of concrete?

The deterioration of concrete structures by seawater is more due to leaching rather than expansion of concrete. Sulfates attack the concrete and cause expansion but due to the presence chlorides in seawater the swelling of concrete retards. Hence, erosion and loss of concrete takes place without showing much Expansion.

Does salt water corrode concrete?

The answer is yes, salt does indirectly damage your concrete driveways, patios and sidewalks. Bumps and potholes don’t just appear due to regular wear and tear – salt damages concrete over time by causing corrosion to occur under the surface, leading to discolored, cracked and crumbling concrete.

Can we use sea water for curing concrete?

It is advisable to use clean water fit for drinking purposes for making cement concrete. However, at places where sea water is available in abundance and potable water is costly, the sea water can be used for making cement concrete.

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Can I use sea water to mix cement?

A number of studies have shown the effects of the mixing and curing of seawater on the compressive strength of cement–sand mortars and corresponding concrete. Research indicates that seawater is not suitable for the mixing and curing of both plain and reinforced concrete in marine conditions (Akinkurolere et al.

Does salt water affect concrete?

What happens if you add salt to concrete?

* Salt is a mild acid and lowers the pH in the concrete. The acidic reaction attacks the concrete paste and aggregate, weakening the structure and strength of the concrete. It also increases the pore size, allowing additional water and chemicals into the concrete, which can exacerbate freeze/thaw cycle damage.