
Can SSJ4 gogeta beat Vegito?

Can SSJ4 gogeta beat Vegito?

Well if you compare SSJB Vegetto from the Goku Black arc, SSJ4 Gogeta in the Shadow Dragon Saga wins even using extreme low ball scaling for both series.

Who is stronger SSJ4 gogeta vs SSB Vegito?

There we have it: lowballed SSBlue Vegito is 1.378 x 10^14 times as powerful as highballed SSJ4 Gogeta, assuming equal fusion multipliers (which, in reality, would increase the gap between Vegito and Gogeta as Potara is a higher multiplier).

Is Super Vegito stronger than SSJ4 Goku?

SSJ4 is about 10x stronger than SSJ3 making it a 4,000x increase while Base Vegito alone is about 2x stronger than SSJ3 and with SSJ he would be 50x stronger making him 52x stronger than SSJ3 Goku making SSJ Vegito a “20,000x” increase making him over 3x stronger than SSJ4 Goku.

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Who is stronger Goku black or gogeta?

Also Super Saiyan God Goku from Battle of Gods arc would be roughly equal or even marginally stronger than SSJ4 Gogeta. Goku is far stronger from then, and Vegito is far stronger than Goku. So logic through power-scaling stands out in this fight.

Can Broly beat Goku Black?

Broly would’ve wrecked Black . Black’s strongest form was weaker than mastered SSB Goku in trunks saga. and Broly powered up to almost ssb Gogeta level in a single fight. Black dead or Merged Zamasu doesn’t stand a chance, end result.

Can GT Goku beat Goku Black?

The two fight evenly in the eyes of Future Trunks, though Vegeta determines that Black is overwhelming Goku. Black indeed does defeat Goku, but just as he prepares to fire a Kamehameha at him, Future Zamasu stops him as he arrives, recalling Black’s prior promise to save killing Goku for him.

Is ssj4 Gogeta stronger than SSGSS Vegito blue?

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SSB Vegito wins high difficulty! As we know, Vegito Blue is stronger than SSG Goku which was paring with Beerus. SSJ4 Gogeta may be as strong as Gogeta Blue before Super Broly Movie. SSJ4 Xeno Goku pars with SSGSS Goku Super Universe as seen in SDBH! SSJ4 Xeno Goku defeated Omega Shenron which was Low Universal Rank.

Who is stronger Vegito or Goku?

Goku is far stronger from then, and Vegito is far stronger than Goku. So logic through power-scaling stands out in this fight. Omega Shenron was slowly destroying the universe, as in it was being destroyed over time.

Who would win in a fight Vegetto or Gogeta?

Therefore, if it is a short match of thirty minutes or less, then Gogeta should win, while if it is a long battle, then Vegetto should win!!” This ultimately breaks down into exactly the type of scenario that a lot of die-hard Dragon Ball fans have been discussing for years.