
Can UFT automate Web applications?

Can UFT automate Web applications?

Using UFT, testers can automate user actions on a web or client based computer application and test and identify bugs that may appear when those actions are being performed.

How do I launch a browser in QTP?

Command to launch browser and go to a URL in QTP

  1. SystemUtil.Run “iexplorer.exe”, “” over 5 years ago in reply to MigrationDeletedUser.
  2. Another Way…
  3. Here is a more elaborate version which performs the equivalent of a .Maximize method on the browser by setting window height and width:

How do I run a UFT script in Chrome?

To record or run a UFT script on a required browser go to Record>Record and Run Settings. The record and run settings window will be shown. From the browser list box selects the required browser on which you want to either record or playback your UFT automation scripts.

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How do I record and run in UFT?

In order to use the Record and Playback option in UFT tool, you need to follow the following steps.

  1. Go to the Start Page and click ‘New’ test, as shown below.
  2. A new test window opens.
  3. The new test screen will pop up once it is created.
  4. Click ‘Record’ and select ‘Record and Run Settings’ as shown below.

How do I run a desktop application in UFT?

Open the Run dialog (Start -> Run), and learn the “Open” edit field and the “OK” button into the Object Repository. Switch to the Expert View, and manually add the lines to open the Run dialog. Manually enter the lines to enter the information to launch the application, and click the “OK” button of the Run dialog.

Can we use java in UFT?

Enable structured automated testing. Language support: QTP/UFT uses VB Script as a scripting language, this is only a language fully supported by IDE (Integrated Development Environment) of QTP/UFT. Apart from VB Script, it also supports java script and Windows shell script.

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Does UFT 14 support Chrome?

To enable support for Chrome in UFT, make sure to install and enable the Functional Testing Agent extension available in the Chrome web store.