
Can we access local variable in non static method?

Can we access local variable in non static method?

Non static variable is like a local variable and they can be accessed through only instance of a class.

Can a static function access non static member variables of class?

No, Static function of a class in C++ cannot access non-static variables, but, it can access static variable only. Since, static function does not know about object, so, it is impossible for a static function to know on which class object or class instance it is being called.

How do you access non static variables?

The only way to access a non-static variable from a static method is by creating an object of the class the variable belongs to. This confusion is the main reason why you see this question on core Java interview as well as on core Java certifications, e.g. OCAJP and OCPJP exam.

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Why can’t we call non-static method from static method?

You cannot call non-static methods or access non-static fields from main or any other static method, because non-static members belong to a class instance, not to the entire class.

What happened if non static member are used in static member function?

5. What happens if non static members are used in static member function? Explanation: There must be specific memory space allocated for the data members before the static member functions uses them. But the space is not reserved if object is not declared.

Why can’t a static method call a non static method?

A static method cannot tell to which particular object the non-static member belongs to. Since there is no existing object, the non-static method doesn’t belong to any object. Hence there is no way a non-static method can be referenced from static context.

Why a main function in Java Cannot access non static functions and variables directly?

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The main() method cannot have access to the non-static variables and methods, you will get “non-static method cannot be referenced from a static context” when you try to do so. This is because by default when you call/access a method or variable it is really accessing the this. method() or this.

Why we cant use this in static method?

Can we use this keyword in static method? The answer is no because static method does not need any object to be called, and this keyword always point to a current object of a class. simply if there is no object then how the keyword point to any current object so,we cannot use this keyword here.