
Can we call sir to a woman?

Can we call sir to a woman?

Sir is for men. Most women would be offended if you called them sir (with the possible exception of some supreme feminists). Like John M. Landsberg commented, “Ma’am” is what you want to use unless you’re asking for trouble.

What do you call a female sir?

The equivalent for a female who holds a knighthood or baronetcy in her own right is ‘Dame’, and follows the same usage customs as ‘Sir’.

How do you call a woman officer?

No, you call a female officer either Ma’am or by her rank. Originally Answered: Are female officers called sir?

Why do they call female officers sir in Star Trek?

Given that Star Trek is art originating from Western culture and basing itself on Western hierarchies (specifically military hierarchies in this case), you would use “sir” to refer to a superior officer due to its universal connotation of respect and deference, so when people had to accommodate the gender-neutral …

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Do you call officers Sir?

“Sir” is the correct term for subordinates to address any officers, whether commissioned officers or warrant officers. In basic training, trainees may be instructed to call their drill instructors “Sir.”

Should a civilian call an officer Sir?

i thought i remembered reading/hearing that unless you’re absolutely certain of their rank, as a civilian, you should just call them “sir”. if you’re certain of their rank, calling them “lietenant” or “colonel” or whatever their rank may be is sometimes appropriate.

Can Sir be used to address female officers in the military?

Refer to this question from English Stack Exchange: Can sir be used to address female officers. In the American military, you would never address a female officer as “Sir.” In the United States, you would address the officer as “Ma’am” and not “Sir”. It’s considered disrespectful to use the term “Sir” for a female in both the army/navy and outside.

Why do we call women ‘Sir’?

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In his book Astrofuturism: Science, Race, and Visions of Utopia in Space (2010), he attributes calling females “sir” to Star Trek : The Star Trek franchise reinforced this idea by the convention of awarding its female officers the honorific “sir”.

Is the term Sir used to address a female addressee?

A review of the first dozen online dictionaries at confirms that sir is strictly reserved for male addressees. On several recent television shows in the US, the term sir has been used by a police officer to address his or her supervisor who was female. In the context, the use was sincere and was not objected to by the superior.

Is it correct to address your supervisor as Sir?

A review of the first dozen online dictionaries at confirms that sir is strictly reserved for male addressees. On several recent television shows in the US, the term sir has been used by a police officer to address his or her supervisor who was female.