
Can we fight viruses with antibiotics answer yes or no and support your answer?

Can we fight viruses with antibiotics answer yes or no and support your answer?

Antibiotics DO NOT work on viruses, such as those that cause colds, flu, or COVID-19. Antibiotics also are not needed for many sinus infections and some ear infections. When antibiotics aren’t needed, they won’t help you, and the side effects could still cause harm.

Can bacteria be killed by antibiotics?

Antibiotics do kill specific bacteria. Some viruses cause symptoms that resemble bacterial infections, and some bacteria can cause symptoms that resemble viral infections. Your healthcare provider can determine what type of illness you have and recommend the proper type of treatment.

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Is it possible for a patient to die of antibiotic poisoning whereas the bacteria stay alive Why?

Scientists have determined the crucial concentration of a particular antibiotic in the body to kill an infection, but if you don’t reach that level of antibiotic circulating in the body, then this can create an environment in which only the weakest pathogenic cells die while the stronger, more resistant, bacteria …

Why is a virus not considered a living organism?

Most biologists say no. Viruses are not made out of cells, they can’t keep themselves in a stable state, they don’t grow, and they can’t make their own energy. Even though they definitely replicate and adapt to their environment, viruses are more like androids than real living organisms.

Why do antibiotics not work on Covid-19?

Antibiotics are not effective against COVID-19 because antibiotics do not treat infections caused by viruses. Antibiotics save lives but any time antibiotics are used, they can cause side effects and lead to antibiotic resistance.

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Why don t antivirals work on viruses?

But the drugs do not affect viruses. Each antiviral only works against a specific virus. Because viruses inside cells are harder to target, antiviral drugs are more challenging to develop.

Why are antibiotics effective against bacteria and not viruses?

Antibiotics cannot kill viruses because viruses have different structures and replicate in a different way than bacteria. Antibiotics work by targeting the growth machinery in bacteria (not viruses) to kill or inhibit those particular bacteria.

Why viruses are considered on the borderline of living and nonliving?

Viruses are considered on the borderline of living and non-living because they show both the characteristics of a living and a non-living. They have the ability to reproduce when inside the host body.