
Can we sell shares without buy in delivery?

Can we sell shares without buy in delivery?

The answer is you can still short sell the stock even without having delivery of the stock. That means if you sell a stock in the morning and you cannot give delivery then you need to necessarily cover your position (buy it back) before end of trade on the same day.

Can we sell before buying in delivery?

Short selling in delivery Intraday trades are OK in the Indian market, either it can be buy and sell or sell and buy. But if you sell and don’t give delivery, it becomes short selling in delivery. This system means that if shares are purchased the client must pay the full amount and take delivery in demat account.

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Can I sell delivery shares anytime?

The key feature of delivery trading is actually getting the shares transferred to your demat account. That is it! It does not matter how quickly you sell the stock back; there is no time limit for selling of stocks. As long as you get the stocks delivered to your demat account, it is considered to be a delivery trade.

Can I sell share if there is no buyer?

When there are no buyers, you can’t sell your shares—you’ll be stuck with them until there is some buying interest from other investors. Usually, someone is willing to buy somewhere: it just may not be at the price the seller wants. This happens regardless of the broker.

How many days we can hold delivery shares?

What is delivery trading? In delivery transactions, an investor is not required to buy and sell shares within the same day. In such transactions, the individual can hold the shares for a longer-term depending on his/her willingness. The duration can range from two days to even two decades or more.

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Is it possible to sell delivery shares on same day?

Yes it is possible, Whatever you buy you can sell on anyday, If you’re buying equity delivery you can sell it on the same day it will be termed as intraday and brokerage will be applicable on it. Similarly intraday trades with margin will automatically be sold if you didn’t sold them after buying.