
Can you get a fine from a Community speed Watch?

Can you get a fine from a Community speed Watch?

Will I now be fined or taken to court? No, for this specific incident we will be taking no further action. Our aim is to encourage people to slow down without having to involve any further action. I have received a warning letter stating this is the second time my vehicle has been monitored speeding.

Can community support officers issue speeding tickets?

Naturally they cannot give tickets, but all speeding vehicles are logged and entered onto a database which produces warning letters that are posted to those caught driving too fast.

What happens if you get caught by Community speed Watch?

Community Speed Watch schemes are made up of trained volunteers from the community. Drivers found to be speeding are issued with a warning letter requesting that they slow down and observe the speed limit. If the same vehicle is caught again by any Community Speed Watch team, a follow-up final letter is issued.

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What rights do Community speed Watch have?

Community Speed Watch is a scheme to allow volunteers to monitor the speed of passing vehicles using a hand-held speed detection device. Only two to four volunteers are allowed to operate at one site at a time, and they must be in plain view of vehicle drivers at all times with high visibility jackets.

Will I be prosecuted for speeding?

By law, anything over the official speed limit is liable for a speeding ticket. However, the police usually offer a buffer of 10\% plus 2 mph above the speed limit, though this is entirely at their discretion. Breaking the speed limit to a truly excessive degree may lead directly to a court summons and prosecution.

What does Community speed Watch mean?

Community Speed Watch is an educational scheme to help people reduce speeding traffic though their community. The scheme enables volunteers to work within their community to raise awareness of the dangers of speeding and to help control the problem locally.

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What powers do community police officers have?

PCSOs have a number of other powers and abilities that they may exercise in the course of their duty:

  • General power of a constable to seize property.
  • Issue fixed penalty notices (FPN) for littering, breach of dog control orders and cycling on a footpath.

Can community support officers issue parking tickets?

The only PCSOs trained, equipped, and empowered to issue Fixed Penalty Notices or Penalty Charge Notices for parking offences in the Metropolitan Police District are those Traffic Police Community Support Officers (TPCSOs) employed by the Transport Operational Command Unit.

Do hand held speed guns have cameras?

Handheld speed guns use radar and laser technology to measure your speed, triggering the police to pull over a driver without the need to flash or take a photo. Do speed cameras capture your face? Most speed cameras are rear-facing, but there are exceptions.

Can you be prosecuted by community speed guns?

Most of the community speed watch activity will take place in residential areas, with speed limits of 30-40mph, so driving at excessive speed is a serious offence. Prosecution will not be possible from the speed watch team’s recording.