
Can you go to college at 16 in Ireland?

Can you go to college at 16 in Ireland?

Age at Entry Students must normally have attained the age of seventeen years by 15 January following entry to a Constituent University or Recognised College of the University.

What can a 16 year old do after leaving school?

What are my options after leaving school?

  • Stay in full-time education, for example, at a college.
  • Start an apprenticeship or traineeship.
  • Spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering, while in part-time education or training.

How long is high school in Ireland?

General Information on the Irish High School System The Irish High School System (called Secondary School) is divided into two cycles: Junior Cycle which lasts for 3 years (for students from age 12) Senior Cycle which lasts for a further 3 years (for students from age 15)

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Can you drop out of secondary school at 16 in Ireland?

Under the Act the minimum school leaving age is 16 years, or until students have completed 3 years of second-level education, whichever is the later. There is no absolute legal obligation on children to attend school nor on their parents to send them to school.

Can I leave school at 16 if I have a job?

Some teenagers wonder if it is okay to leave school or college with the intention of working on a job full-time. In reality, it is not legal to get a full-time job before a student hits the school leaving age.

What are post 16 qualifications?

Post-16 education and further education includes all post-16 learning, including vocational training and work-based learning. It can also include working with 14 year olds in schools or colleges, as part of the 14-19 vocational curriculum.

How old are 5th years in Ireland?

Have a look at this chart for level differences between the USA and Ireland:

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USA Age Ireland
Freshman (9th grade) 14-15 years 3rd year
Sophomore (10th grade) 15-16 years 4th year (transition year/optional)
Junior (11th grade) 16-17 years 5th year
Senior (12th grade) 17-18 years 6th year