
Can you have a LEEP procedure twice?

Can you have a LEEP procedure twice?

they think there is a high risk the cell changes may develop into cervical cancer in future. it is not possible to safely do another LLETZ.

Can abnormal cells come back after LEEP?

LEEP works very well to treat abnormal cell changes on the cervix. If all of the abnormal tissue is removed, you won’t need more surgery. In some studies, doctors were able to remove all the abnormal cells in almost every case. But abnormal cells may come back in the future.

Does cervix grow back after LEEP?

New tissue grows back in the cervix in four to six weeks. You will be able to rest in the recovery area until you are awake. Virtually all patients go home within an hour or two.

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Why do my pap smears keep coming back abnormal?

Cause. Most abnormal Pap tests are caused by HPV infections. Other types of infection—such as those caused by bacteria, yeast, or protozoa (Trichomonas)—sometimes lead to minor changes on a Pap test called atypical squamous cells.

What are the chances of CIN 2 returning?

Five-year risks of recurrent CIN2+ after treatment varied both by antecedent screening test result and the histology of the treated lesion. The risk ranged from 5\% for CIN2 preceded by HPV-positive/ASC-US or LSIL to 16\% for CIN3/AIS preceded by AGC/ASC-H/HSIL+ (p<0.0001).

Does LEEP get rid of abnormal cells?

With LEEP, an electric current passes through the fine wire loop to cut away a thin layer of abnormal tissue. This tissue will be sent to the lab for testing. LEEP can also remove abnormal cells to allow healthy tissue to grow.

Can CIN 2 come back after LEEP?

About 23\% of patients develop CIN2+ after LEEP treatment due to residual or recurrent lesions. The majority of patients with HPV infection were HPV negative before treatment, but 16,4\% were still HPV 16 positive after treatment, indicating that conization do not necessarily clear HPV infection rapidly.

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Does LEEP cure CIN3?

Results: Of the 311 women who underwent LEEP, 283 reported for 1-year follow-up and 248 (87.6\%) were disease free. Cure rates were 93.0\% for CIN 1, 85.5\% for CIN 2, and 72.7\% for CIN 3.