
Can you host multiple websites on one droplet?

Can you host multiple websites on one droplet?

There are no limits as to the amount of domains you can point at a Droplet and you can serve multiple websites from a single Droplet. If you are using Apache to serve websites on your Droplet, you will want to set up your Apache virtual hosts to host multiple websites.

How do I install multiple WordPress sites on DigitalOcean?

Install Multiple WordPress Sites in DigitalOcean – Easy Way

  1. Why DigitalOcean?
  2. VPS vs Shared hosting?
  3. Create a Server in DigitalOcean.
  4. Install EasyEngine.
  5. Install WordPress Site via EasyEngine.
  6. Connect your Domain.
  7. Installing Multiple WordPress Sites.
  8. Useful EasyEngine Commands.

How do I add a domain to droplet DigitalOcean?

Go to, click on your app, and click on the Settings tab. Then, click the Edit link to the right of Domains, and the Add Domain button. On the Add Domain form, enter your custom domain name at the top of the form in the text area under Domain or Subdomain Name, then click to proceed.

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How do I point a subdomain to a DigitalOcean droplet?

Go to your DNS manager, and create an A record for your subdomain pointing to your DigitalOcean droplet’s public IP. For example, to point your subdomain test to your droplet with IP 13.13. 13.13 , set the following A record.

How do I deploy a website in digital ocean?

Deploying to a DigitalOcean Droplet

  1. Install Node.js, npm and Gatsby-CLI onto your droplet.
  2. Clone your repository to the droplet.
  3. Generate your Gatsby site for production.
  4. Install Nginx Web Server to host the site and open firewall to accept HTTP and HTTPS requests.

Does Digital Ocean host domains?

Limits. DigitalOcean does not currently provide domain registration services. To use DigitalOcean DNS, you need to register a domain name with a registrar and update your domain’s NS records to point to DigitalOcean’s name servers.

How do I link my GoDaddy domain to DigitalOcean?

From there, on the Domains tab you’ll enter your acquired GoDaddy domain name. In the box to the right of that, you can select any of your projects. It’ll be greyed out if you only have one project. After that, click ‘add domain’.