
Can you join the British Army if you have Aspergers?

Can you join the British Army if you have Aspergers?

Whilst those diagnosed with autism are excluded from joining the Services on medical grounds, those individuals suffering mild or entirely non-disabling Asperger’s Syndrome may meet the entry standards following an assessment by an occupational health physician and gaining a favourable assessment after pre-entry tests …

Is Asperger’s a hidden disability?

Having an autistic spectrum disorder means that someone has difficulties in the areas of social interaction, communication and imagination. It is sometimes referred to as a ‘hidden disability’, as it is not usually visible when initially meeting someone with Asperger syndrome.

Can you join the army cadets if you have autism?

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others. If a cadet has Autism then this should be documented on the Health and Permission form as a disability so that cadet leaders can make the appropriate reasonable adjustments.

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Is Aspergers a disability UK?

In essence, it is important for those in HR to appreciate that Asperger syndrome is considered a disability under both the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA; 2004) and the Equality Act (2010).

Is Asperger’s still a diagnosis UK?

The subtype – Asperger’s – was recently removed from the DSM-V (the diagnostic manual that Psychiatrists use in the USA) and now there is only one diagnosis you can be given ‘Autism’. The manual UK Psychiatrist’s use (ICD-10) still contains the term Asperger’s, but it is likely to change in the coming years.

Can you join the RAF with mild autism?

The Royal Air Force (RAF) does not have a specific discharge policy for either autism or Asperger’s. There are no differences in the Royal Navy and RAF policies for the occupational assessment of Service Personnel (SP) with autism or Asperger’s.