
Can you play Alliance and Horde?

Can you play Alliance and Horde?

If you look at the total WoW population, Hazzikostas clarified that the Horde and Alliance split is pretty even. For certain social and hardcore players, though, Horde did become the more popular choice, which has negatively affected high-end raiding and dungeon-running communities.

Can you play both factions in TBC Classic?

It’s possible to PAY to have both factions on a PvP server on TBC Classic via realm transfer.

Can Horde and Alliance talk to each other?

Each faction shares a common language of the dominant race (Orcish for Horde and Common for Alliance). A language may or may not have an associated alphabet for writing. When the pandaren joined the Horde and the Alliance, players could speak the same language, but not understand those of the opposite faction.

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Can Alliance and Horde have same server Classic?

You can have both on the same realm with the exception of pvp realms your faction is locked to the first character you made on that realm so if you made alliance on a pvp realm all your characters will have to be alliance and vice versa.

What’s better alliance or horde?

If you’re planning on grinding out the end game content then choosing Horde might be the better option for you. For casual players, the faction disparity is not that high, it is like 60 percent Horde players in comparison to 40 percent Alliance players.

Does Classic Change faction?

Note: World of Warcraft Classic and Burning Crusade Classic characters are not eligible for Faction Change.

Is the Alliance or Horde better?

Why does everyone play horde?

That’s just one of several reasons why players tend to choose Horde. It’s also a popular faction simply due to its aesthetic: undead, orcs, trolls, blood elves—there’s a race that appeals to every kind of player.

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Which is more popular Alliance or Horde?

When it comes to the population ratio of Hordes to Alliance it is entirely dependent upon which realm you’re in. The general trend is that there are far more Horde players as compared to Alliance. The ratio on some servers can be 4:1 with the Horde being four times as much in population in the server.

Can you make alliance and horde on same server TBC?