
Can you run scala jar with Java?

Can you run scala jar with Java?

To run scala programs with the java command, you need to include the scala library as a runtime dependency of your application. I’m including the same Compile. jar from the java example as a compile time dependency, to show how everything behaves. The scala runtime is just a jar file (scala-library.

Does scala compile to jar?

jar file created by SBT is executable by scala interpreter or scala commands but not by the java command(i.e java -jar name-of-file.

Can jar contain Java files?

Jar files can contain any kind of files, but they usually contain class files and supporting configuration files (properties), graphics and other data files needed by the application. Class files contain compiled Java code, which is executable by the Java Virtual Machine. JAR stands for Java ARchive.

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How do I package a jar file?

Start with a small to medium sized box (it depends on the size of jar you’re sending). Line the bottom with bubble wrap or some other sturdy padding (bits of old foam or eggshell mattresses work well here). Lay out a long strip of bubble wrap and roll up your jar.

How do I run a JAR in Scala?

-jar When you use this option, the JAR file is the source of all user classes, and other user class path settings are ignored. You can define the classpath dependencies in the Manifest metadata. The easiest way to start your app is using the scala scripts: scala -classpath target/scaaaaaaaaala-1.0.

How do I create a Scala JAR in IntelliJ?

IntelliJ IDEA enables creation of JAR as an artifact of a project. Do the following steps. From the Project Structure window, navigate to Artifacts > the plus symbol + > JAR > From modules with dependencies…. In the Create JAR from Modules window, select the folder icon in the Main Class text box.

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How do I create a JAR file in Scala IDE?

5 Answers

  1. Create a Java class with a main() method which simply forwards the call to your Scala code.
  2. Then right click on your newly created Java class and select: Run As -> Java Application.
  3. Now you are ready to dig out the runnable jar option from the Eclipse’s menu: File -> Export -> Java -> Runnable JAR file.

What is jar packaging?

JAR Packaging Simply put, JAR – or Java Archive – is a package file format. JAR files have the . jar extension and may contain libraries, resources, and metadata files. Essentially, it’s a zipped file containing the compressed versions of . class files and resources of compiled Java libraries and applications.