
Can you touch Duncan coral?

Can you touch Duncan coral?

They can touch, i even have a colony i assume merged, posted my thread on it below. Its a green head and a blue/purple head. Didn’t get many answers even from this sites reefsquad, but they cause no harm to each other at all.

Where do you put Duncan coral?

Due to their delicate nature, Duncan corals prefer areas of low to moderate water movement. This may be an area in the middle to lower part of your tank, away from outcroppings and peaks with higher water flow, better suited to sturdier corals.

Are Duncan corals hard to keep?

Although the Duncan coral is easy to care for, it has requirements that ought to be met if it is to stay healthy. Some of these are adding in some reef into the tank as this is what it enjoys most. Also ensure the light in the tank is high to moderate.

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Are Duncan corals easy?

Duncan corals are a peaceful species that are very easy to care for. The species only require a low to moderate flow, and moderate lighting, and a healthy variety of foods with meaty food like Mysis shrimp.

Are hammer corals aggressive?

The hammer coral is considered to be an aggressive coral species that will attack its neighbors with sweeper tentacles. These are stinging nematocysts (similar to the sting of an anemone) on the end of a specialized polyp that can extend several inches away from the body of the coral.

Can Acans touch ZOAS?

Zoas are not as large as palys but nothing stops any paly i own. They grow over everything. They would not actually touch the acan but create enough shade they would die. Once dead they grow onto the skeleton.

Do Duncan’s like high flow?

Duncans do best in moderate to high flow.

What type of coral is a Duncan?

Duncanopsammia axifuga
Duncanopsammia is a monotypic genus of stony corals. It is represented by the single species, Duncanopsammia axifuga, commonly called whisker coral, duncanops coral, or simply duncan coral….Duncanopsammia.

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Whisker coral
Class: Hexacorallia
Order: Scleractinia
Family: Dendrophylliidae
Genus: Duncanopsammia Wells, 1936

Can Duncan and Frogspawn touch?

If they were only touching for a bit and you’ve separated them, things will be just fine. I had a frogspawn attack a nearby lobophyllia last week. I caught it early enough where there was no permanent damage.

Can clown fish host Hammer coral?

Active Member. It should be fine for the clown, mine recovered after a few days. (they have now hosted with my RBTA instead).