
Can you use both tropical and sidereal?

Can you use both tropical and sidereal?

This means in 25,920 years, the tropical zodiac will have made a full rotation against a given fixed point in space. In their astrological interpretation, they used both sidereal and tropical reasoning, according to Robert Hand’s “On the Invariance of the Tropical Zodiac”.

Are Venus and Pisces attractive?

The man who has Venus in Pisces tends to attract women who are romantic and emotional. A woman who is sensitive and passive is also especially appealing to this man. He is drawn to ultra-feminine or old-fashioned females who appear innocent and demure.

What does it mean to have Venus in Pisces?

“When in Pisces, Venus has no limits. It becomes generous in matters of money and love, and compassionate and healing.” “In this compassionate, intuitive sign, Venus is able to bestow all kinds of gifts our way, not only in love, but for all kinds of relationships,” she says.

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Who is Scorpio Mars attracted to?

She is attracted to men who are intense and passionate, usually the silent, brooding type. The Mars in Scorpio female possesses a strong sexual magnetism and likely has many willing suitors, however, she will not settle for a man who does not match her in will-power and strength.

Who is Mars in Pisces compatible with?

Mars in Pisces is compassionate, empathetic, and emotional. As an intuitive zodiac sign, he quickly connects with others and always wants to help in any way that he can. He may be most compatible with a woman whose Venus is in Scorpio.

How does Venus Pisces flirt?

Pisces is extremely shy, mysterious, but very sensual, so their flirting style is cute and awkward at the same time. Their wild imagination makes it easy for them to think of new ways to approach flirting.

What does a Scorpio Venus mean?

Venus in Scorpio causes someone to demand intensity, passion and total intimacy in their love lives and relationships. Their desire for union is not just physical, but in mind and spirit as well.

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How does a Pisces Venus show love?

“When in Pisces, Venus has no limits. “In this compassionate, intuitive sign, Venus is able to bestow all kinds of gifts our way, not only in love, but for all kinds of relationships,” she says. It’s a great time to strengthen your bond with romantic partners and platonic friends alike.