
Can Zesshi Zetsumei beat AINZ?

Can Zesshi Zetsumei beat AINZ?

No. Its extremely unlikely, if she were that would put on her around the level of the True Dragon Lords. Maruyama (the author of the series) has gone on record to state that Zesshi is stronger than Lupusregina, whom is level 59.

Is anyone stronger than AINZ?

2) Rubedo = Among all of the denizens of Nazarick, Rubedo is the strongest and most powerful NPC that can overwhelm Ainz Ooal Gown with full equipment, and stronger than Touch Me. Rubedo is also one of the four close combat specialist NPCs (Cocytus, Albedo, Sebas Tian) and of course, the strongest among them.

Is Zesshi Zetsumei pregnant?

Eventually, Zesshi’s mother was then rescued by the Black Scripture, but by that time they came to her aid, she was already pregnant with his child. Ever since Zesshi’s birth and at her own urging to the Cardinals, a war of retribution has been waged against the elves for what their King did to her mother.

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Is AINZ stronger than PDL?

In the fight between ECDL Ainz to NO DAMAGE AT ALL. PDL being as strong as AInz is BS.

How strong is Rubedo?

Abilities and Powers Rubedo is the most powerful NPC that can overwhelm Ainz Ooal Gown, and even Touch Me with full equipment. Rubedo was also one of the four top-rated close combat specialists NPCs (Cocytus, Albedo, and Sebas Tian) and of course, she happens to be the strongest among them.

Can Zesshi beat Shalltear?

Shalltear was able to toy with the Black scripture, and only lost because of a world class item. No matter the power gap between the captain and Zesshi, it has never been implied to be great enough for Zesshi to stand a chance.

Who can defeat Rubedo?

Particularly, the only ones who can defeat Rubedo are the other denizens found on the 8th Floor with her. According to Maruyama, Rubedo is viewed as being a superior combatant to Touch Me in the same way as to how Shalltear was said to be the likely winner in her match with Ainz.

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Who is the main hero of Overlord?

Momonga is the titular protagonist of the anime Overlord. He is the guild master of Ainz Ooal Gown and is regarded as the highest and most powerful of the Almighty 41 Supreme Beings by the NPCs of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. His real name is Satoru Suzuki.

Who is cure Elim overlord?

Cure Elim Los Malvar (キュアイーリム=ロスマルヴァー) also known as Elder Coffin Dragon Lord (エルダーコフィン・ドラゴンロード) is a Dragon Lord, one of the most powerful dragons in the New World.

Is AINZ stronger than Dragon Lord?

The platinum dragon lord (that green dragon in S2E1) is roughly around level 80, but he has access to most of the gear the eight greed kings left behind. But he is also suppossed to be the strongest dragon lord alive. Later in the light novel Ainz meets a much weaker dragon lord who is killed by him in one-hit.

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What are Rubedo powers?