
Did Barry Bonds ever face Nolan Ryan?

Did Barry Bonds ever face Nolan Ryan?

Ryan struck out 5,714 batters in his career, 17.2\% more than Randy Johnson, the No. 2 pitcher on the list. To put that in perspective, Barry Bonds would have needed to hit 885 home runs to break Hank Aaron’s record by 17.2\%. To put it another way, in 2019 Gerrit Cole struck out 326 batters in 212⅓ innings.

Did Nory Ryan Strike Barry Bonds?

298 slugging percentage. Ryan had 15 or more strikeouts in a game 26 times, second only to Randy Johnson, who had 28. Ryan’s lengthy career spanned generations as he struck out seven pairs of fathers and sons (for example, Bobby Bonds and Barry Bonds), another major league record.

Was Barry Bonds a good player?

What makes Bonds the greatest player of all-time is the breadth of his skill. He could slug with Aaron, Ruth, Williams, and Gehrig. He played elite defense, eight Gold Gloves, like Griffey, Mays, and DiMaggio. He could run the bases (514 stolen bases) like Ricky Henderson.

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Was Barry Bonds good in the field?

Bonds was a member of the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1986 to 1992 and the San Francisco Giants from 1993 to 2007. He is considered to be one of the greatest baseball players of all time. Bonds led MLB in on-base plus slugging six times and placed within the top five hitters in 12 of his 17 qualifying seasons.

Who has Nolan Ryan struck out the most?

5,714 happened in Anaheim. Ryan threw seven innings, giving up four hits and one run (which was unearned) and striking out five. Angels catcher Greg Myers became Ryan’s final victim. During his career with the Angels, Ryan went 138-121 with 2,416 strikeouts, the most he recorded at any of his four MLB stops.

How many walks did Barry Bonds have in his career?

The following table lists the top 100 career base on balls leaders in Major League Baseball history. Since 2007, Barry Bonds holds the record for most career walks drawn with 2,558.

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How many career at bats did Barry Bonds have?

Left fielder Barry Bonds played 22 seasons for the Pirates and Giants. He had a . 298 batting average with 2,935 hits, 762 home runs, 1,996 runs batted in, and 2,227 runs scored. Bonds won 7 MVP Awards and was selected to play in 14 All-Star Games….Barry Bonds.

Born: July 24, 1964 in Riverside, CA
Experience: 22 years

Who is the all-time leader in strikeouts?

Nolan Ryan+
Career Leaders & Records for Strikeouts

Rank Player (yrs, age) Strikeouts
1. Nolan Ryan+ (27) 5714
2. Randy Johnson+ (22) 4875
3. Roger Clemens (24) 4672
4. Steve Carlton+ (24) 4136