
Did Gamora know what was in the Orb?

Did Gamora know what was in the Orb?

Gamora knew that the orb contained an infinity stone and didn’t want Thanos to get his hands on it, so she found a buyer in Collector to hand the stone over but she didn’t know it’s potential for incredible destruction until the collectors assistant touched the stone and destroyed that place.

Is the ORB in Guardians of the Galaxy an Infinity Stone?

After Nebula destroyed Gamora’s pod, Ronan then recovered the Orb. Realizing it contained an Infinity Stone, Ronan decided to double-cross Thanos out of spite due to Thanos’ beratement of him. Quill attempted to use Rocket’s Hadron Enforcer to destroy Ronan, but the Stone prevented him from being destroyed.

Did Gamora know about the Infinity Stones?

Gamora was one of the few characters in the MCU who knew about the Infinity Stones before Infinity War, which is why she did what she thought was best to keep one of them away from Thanos, but that was only proven to be a terrible plan.

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How does Gamora know where the Infinity Stone is?

Gamora knows the location of the Soul Stone because she found a map, which is explained in the hologram Nebula displays during her interrogation. Thanos uses said hologram to call her bluff when she says she doesn’t know where it is, so it’s a hard scene to miss.

Why does gamora want the Orb?

When she learned that Taneleer Tivan, the infamous Collector, sought to add the Orb to his collection for a very hefty fee, she agreed to bring the Orb to him, hoping that his reward would give her the passage she needed to escape Thanos’ hold.

How did Quill know where the orb was?

He uses it to find the entry to a building, and finds the Power Stone encased in a metallic orb. He puts down a magnet, which allows the orb to be pulled from its prison and get sucked onto the magnet. So, my question is, Quill seemed to know exactly what he was after, in terms of where it was.