
Did Lorenzo Medici son became Pope?

Did Lorenzo Medici son became Pope?

Born into the prominent political and banking Medici family of Florence, Giovanni was the second son of Lorenzo de’ Medici, ruler of the Florentine Republic, and was elevated to the cardinalate in 1489….

Pope Leo X
Papacy began 9 March 1513
Papacy ended 1 December 1521
Predecessor Julius II
Successor Adrian VI

Which pope had a son?

Pope Hormisdas was born in Frosinone, Italy. Before becoming a Roman deacon, Hormisdas was married. He had a son.

Which pope got thrown out a window?

Pope John XII
He soon fell out with Otto, but died before Otto succeeded in his attempt to depose him….

Pope John XII
Birth name Octavianus
Born c. 930/937 Rome, Papal States
Died 14 May 964 (aged c. 27 – 34) Rome, Papal States
Other popes named John
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Are there still Medici alive today?

This bank was the largest in Europe during the 15th century, and it facilitated the Medicis’ rise to political power in Florence, although they officially remained citizens rather than monarchs until the 16th century….House of Medici.

Cadet branches 14 cadet branches; still alive only 2: show List

Which Pope was a Medici?

Leo X, originally Giovanni de’ Medici, (born December 11, 1475, Florence [Italy]—died December 1, 1521, Rome), one of the leading Renaissance popes (reigned 1513–21).

Has there ever been a pope who was not a priest?

The last to be elected when not yet a bishop was Gregory XVI in 1831, the last to be elected when not even a priest was Leo X in 1513, and the last to be elected when not a cardinal was Urban VI in 1378.