
Do companies like Blackwater still exist?

Do companies like Blackwater still exist?

Academi was an American private military company founded on December 26, 1996 by former Navy SEAL officer Erik Prince as Blackwater, renamed Xe Services in 2009 and known as Academi since 2011 after the company was acquired by a group of private investors….Blackwater (company)

Type Private
Defunct June 2014
Fate Merged with Triple Canopy

Is Blackwater a mercenary group?

In the book, Scahill contends that Blackwater exists as a mercenary force, and argues that Blackwater’s rise is a consequence of the demobilization of the US military following the Cold War and its overextension in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is Blackwater called today?

In February 2009, private-security firm Blackwater announced that it would be changing its name to Xe (pronounced Zee) in an attempt to escape the dark cloud it had been under since five of its guards were indicted on charges related to a 2007 shooting that left 17 unarmed Iraqi civilians dead.

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What is it like working for Blackwater?

Blackwater was a great place to work for. To me it was like an extended family as we all helped out any department that needed help at the time. The best part of my job was feeling as if I could help our country by working at a place that helps fight terror and protect our country. I had great pride working here.

What does Erik Prince do now?

Prince heads the private equity firm Frontier Resource Group, and served as chairman of the Hong Kong-listed Frontier Services Group until 2021.

What is Blackwater famous for?

During the war in Iraq, Blackwater was one of several private security companies use to guard officials, security guards, and military installations, train the Iraqi army and police forces, and provide other support for armed forces.

Does Blackwater pay well?

Private military companies offer top wages to attract qualified applicants willing to carry out dangerous missions. For example, Blackwater contractor salary is estimated to fall between $9,000 and $22,500 a month, according to the website.

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What do Blackwater contractors do?