
Do I have to let my landlord in for viewings?

Do I have to let my landlord in for viewings?

Yes, a landlord has the right to show potential tenants around the property. But they still need to give the tenant at least 24 hours’ notice. It also doesn’t matter whether the viewings are for potential buyers if the landlord is selling up or for new tenants to replace the current ones.

Can a tenant deny a showing?

As long as your lease allows you the right to entry with reasonable notice, a tenant who is refusing to cooperate with you is violating the lease. Most tenants will let you in to show the property after receiving this notice because it stops the eviction process as they’ve rectified their violation.

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Do I have to allow viewings on my rented property UK Covid?

You don’t have to allow viewings while you’re still living there unless it’s mentioned in your tenancy agreement. Discuss your concerns with the landlord or agent if your contract says you must allow viewings. You could offer to show the property to new tenants through a virtual viewing on your phone.

Can I say no to showings?

Many states also require that landlords give tenants reasonable notice before showing the unit. In California, when a real estate agent shows the property, your landlord must provide a 24-hour notice, but it can be verbal rather than written.

How much notice do I need to give my tenant Scotland?

28 days
Your tenant has to give you at least 28 days’ notice in writing if they want to end the tenancy (unless they ask for shorter notice and you agree in writing). The notice period will begin on the day you get the notice from your tenant, and ends 28 days after that date.

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Can I backdate my notice period?

The EAT held that a contract can only be terminated unequivocally and a conditional letter of resignation will not bring an employment contract to an end. This date could not be backdated either by the employee or by agreement with the employer.

Can a tenant stop house viewings?

Unless there is a term in your tenancy agreement which allows you to schedule viewings during the last month of a tenancy, your sitting tenants are entitled to refuse any agent or viewers access to the property.