
Do mollies breed easily?

Do mollies breed easily?

Mollies are livebearers, which means their eggs develop inside their body so that live fry can be released. They are one of the easiest fish groups to breed in captivity and will mate regularly.

How hard is it to breed mollies?

For the most part, mollies are very easy to breed. A single female can produce over one hundred baby mollies, also called fry, in one live birth. They also come in a variety of colors, and work well with a wide community of other fish. Prepare your tank and yourself beforehand, and breeding mollies should be a breeze.

Can a Molly breed with a guppy?

Potential cross breeding between guppies and mollies These adult fish are not fertile and will not reproduce. Sadly, most babies from the guppies and mollies will die before, during or shortly after they are born. Both guppies and mollies can carry sperm for a long time after reproducing.

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How long are mollies pregnant for?

Mollies 50-70 days.

How long are Mollies pregnant for?

How many Mollies Can I put in a 30 gallon tank?

This depends on the species you want, but generally I would suggest 3–5, assuming you don’t buy, for example, green sailfin molllies instead of a smaller species like balloons. You might get away with 7, but leaving room for healthy, happy fish is much better than putting too many in.

Do guppies breed fast?

Number of Offspring A female guppy under optimal conditions can give birth every 30 days — and each batch of fry can range from 20 to 50 baby guppies. This combination of maturing rapidly, birthing live young and almost constant reproduction means guppies reproduce very rapidly.

Do mollies eat guppy fry?

Guppy and Molly Fry Care Guppies as well mollies give birth to live fry every 30 days. Unfortunately both species eat their fry, so it is pretty difficult to protect the guppy and molly babies in their parent’s aquarium. The plants will provide enough cover for the fry to hide from the parents and do not get eaten.

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Which is better guppy or molly?

Mollies can reach a good size and will be able to cope with more robust and active tank mates quite well, but aggressive species should be avoided. Tank mates for guppies are a little more difficult to select and small, peaceful fish are the best option.