
Do they break your bones in SERE?

Do they break your bones in SERE?

No, they can’t break your bones. There are some training techniques that might make some trainees feel, uh, uncomfortable, for sure. But, it’s designed for military members to make it through the program with a certain base of knowledge or to gain a particular skill set…not to break or damage them.

Do they torture you in SERE school?

It isn’t a torture school at all. It is tough, it will push you in ways you probably haven’t been pushed before and it isn’t fun. But when all is said and done, SERE is one of those courses that no one wants to go to but looks back upon it as a great learning experience.

Do people die in SERE?

Sturgill is the first person to die while attending SERE Selection School. Assigned to the 66th Training Squadron, Detachment 3, Sturgill was on the 14th day of a 15-day SERE Specialist Screening course when he died, taking part in a solo living exercise.

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What is SERE C like?

The SERE-C training environment stresses Soldiers in controlled, safe, but highly realistic ways. These stresses focus heavily on the psychological side, while still not easing up on the lack of food or sleep.

Is SERE School designed to break you?

Myth #3: SERE School is designed to break you. If you can’t man up for a few days of field training, then maybe this is the wrong line of work for you. SERE is a school that challenges your preconceptions. It takes you outside your comfort zone as a soldier, but that doesn’t mean that they are trying to break you.

Do all Special Forces soldiers go through SERE training?

Additionally all other operators in US SOF (SEALs, Raiders, etc) go through SERE, and in most cases, support personnel that may be directly attached to teams go through SERE whenever possible. , 14 years with Special Forces. Commo-18E, Team Sergeant 18-Z.

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Are instructors allowed to break bones in SERE?

Myth #1: Instructors are allowed to break one bone in your body during the POW portion of SERE. This is incorrect. While in the detention facility, students are placed under some level of physical duress but this is closely monitored and supervised to ensure that it does not get out of control.

What is SERE like?

SERE is a school that challenges your preconceptions. It takes you outside your comfort zone as a soldier, but that doesn’t mean that they are trying to break you. If you become a Prisoner of War for real, that experience isn’t going to be a cakewalk and SERE has to prepare you for that.