
Do you keep the felt on record player?

Do you keep the felt on record player?

You can store the felt cover inside of the record’s jacket while your record is playing. Though you may have a plastic cover, it is always good to use both when not using your turntable. Using both will ensure no dust or scratches occur and damage any components.

Do you keep slip mat on record player?

Turntable manufacturers making acrylic platters suggest no mat at all, but like everything in audio, you can experiment. The most popular turntable mats are usually rubber mats or cork mats. Turntable Lab is a great place to start.

Is it bad to leave the stylus on the record?

No worries. Leaving a stylus on a stationary record is perfectly fine. No damage has been done. Leaving it in the runout groove overnight, on a spinning turntable, will also not do any harm, but it will take a couple of hours off of the stylus life.

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Do you need a platter mat?

In its simplest, technical terms, a platter mat is used to dampen resonances and minimize other vibrations caused between the turntables platter, surface and other parts of the turntable. The platter mat should, in theory, and with correct use, provide a higher fidelity listening experience.

Do I need a mat for vinyl?

Why Do You Need a Turntable Mat? The rubber turntable mats that often come with your record player can get the job done, but many of these basic mats also create the most static, while newer and more efficient mats can cut the crackling noises way down.

What does a vinyl slip mat do?

Unlike the rubber mat which is made to hold the record firmly in sync with the rotating platter, slipmats are designed to slip on the platter, allowing the DJ to manipulate a record on a turntable while the platter continues to rotate underneath.

Do you need a mat on an acrylic platter?

There is no need to use a platter mat with the acrylic platter! The resonance of acrylic is very close to vinyl so a mat is not needed.

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What do vinyl slip mats do?

Should I use a turntable mat with an acrylic platter?