
Do you need a PPS number to rent in Ireland?

Do you need a PPS number to rent in Ireland?

Rules. New tenancies must be registered within a month of the start of the tenancy. Landlords are responsible for registration. The tenant must give their details to the landlord, including their Personal Public Service Number (PPS Number).

Can landlords ask for PPS?

Landlords and their agents should not seek photographs and PPS numbers from prospective tenants in advance of a lease being signed, the Data Protection Commission has warned.

What information can a landlord ask for Ireland?

The minimum you should request is an employer reference, a previous landlord reference, a current utility bill, current bank statements (or payslips or employer letter stating salary and finally, Photo I.D. (i.e. a Passport or Driver’s License).

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How long does it take to get PPS number online?

approximately 4-5 days
It will take approximately 4-5 days for notification of your PPS number to arrive after your appointment. If you want to get a PPS number or to be registered for a Public Services Card, you can now make an appointment online at You will first need to register with the site.

What happens if my landlord isn’t registered?

If your landlord doesn’t have a licence, the eviction will be invalid. You could be entitled to a rent repayment order worth £1,000s. Either you or your council will be able to apply to a tribunal for a rent repayment order.

Why would a landlord need a PPS number?

A PPS number is a unique identifier, and in the event of a dispute, the RTB will have an improved chance of tracing a tenant(s) address if a PPS number is supplied. Without a PPS number, the RTB may not be able to locate the tenant and may not be in a position to process your dispute.

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Why would landlord need PPS number?

What if landlord is not registered?

If your landlord does not register your tenancy, they will not be able to refer a dispute to the RTB, but you will still be able to do so. On registration a unique registration number (RT number) will be issued to the landlord and tenant.

Can a landlord enter without permission Ireland?

The landlord can only enter the property with the permission of the tenant, unless it is an emergency situation, and the landlord must enter the property and every attempt has been made to contact the tenant (for example a flood in the property or a fire etc).

Can you get paid without a PPS number?

You cannot be paid without a PPS Number. When taking up a job in Ireland, your employer will request your PPS number to record the income tax you pay.

Does PPS number expire?

Public Services Cards issued up to November 2018 are valid for 7 years. Public Service Cards issued after November 2018 are valid for 10 years.