
Do you need to know calculus for AP stats?

Do you need to know calculus for AP stats?

So, who needs statistics? Apparently more people than need calculus. More of us will use statistics than will use calculus, trigonometry, or college algebra; that makes AP Statistics your opportunity to learn how to produce and use data, to recognize bad data, and to make decisions with data.

Do you need to know algebra 2 for AP stats?

Algebra II is a recommended prerequisite for AP Statistics, but ultimately it depends on your school.

What is the prerequisite for statistics and probability?

Introductory-level course teaches students the basic concepts of statistics and the logic of statistical reasoning. Designed for students with no prior knowledge in statistics, its only prerequisite is basic algebra.

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What major requires AP Statistics?

Statistics is specifically required in some majors, while it is a quantitative methods requirement in others.

  • AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES. Agricultural and Environmental Plant. Sciences.
  • BUSINESS. Accounting.
  • ENGINEERING. Aerospace Engineering.
  • Anthropology. Archaeology.

What grade should I take AP Statistics?

Course. If the course is provided by their school, students normally take AP Statistics in their junior or senior year and may decide to take it concurrently with a pre-calculus course.

What prerequisite math is needed for statistics?

Statistics for science and engineering majors requires calculus and linear algebra. Statistics for math and some computer science programs requires real analysis, such as measure theory, Hilbert space, functional analysis.

What is AP Statistics good for?

Students learn about the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data. AP Statistics can prepare students for dozens of college majors beyond statistics, including criminal justice, aerospace engineering and environmental studies, just to name a few.

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Can I self study AP Statistics?

While the majority of students enroll in the actual course to prep for their AP exams, many others will self-study for the exams without enrolling. The AP Statistics exam is one of the more popular AP exams among students.