
Do you still need a period in front of a Twitter handle 2020?

Do you still need a period in front of a Twitter handle 2020?

Twitter’s updated reply system makes it so that adding a period before a username is a thing of the past. The short answer: it no longer serves any purpose on Twitter, though it did previously.

Do you put a period at the end of a tweet?

2. Tweets Start with Words, not Periods. Somewhere about halfway through Twitter’s young life, users wised up to the fact that not all their followers were seeing @ replies. Instead of tacking a period to the beginning of your tweet, rearrange your message.

What does putting a dot in front of a tweet do?

If you just reply with @username the tweet will only go to people who follow both you AND that person. If you add a dot before the username, it’ll go to all of your followers.

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Why do people put periods before tweets?

Originally Answered: Why do some tweets have a period in front? This is to ensure that the tweet, which is originally a reply to a specific handle, is visible to everyone. Tweets that begin with username mentions are only visible on timelines of users who follow both people.

Can you put Punctuation after a Twitter handle?

nope it won’t mess the handle up.

What words can you not say on twitter?

So far, accounts have been suspended for the phrases: “Kill myself, cut myself, hang myself, suicide, punch and I wanna die.” Basically any words that trigger or imply self harm and suicide. Even simple everyday phrases like “ugh kill me” and common “stan twitter” phrases are getting accounts suspended.

Why do people put at on period?

Full stop. Recorded since the early 1900s, this sense of period comes from the use of the period as a punctuation mark indicating the end of a statement. Periodt, pronounced and spelled with a final T, is generally credited to Black English. It has been specifically attributed to Southern Black gay slang.

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