
Does any other country in the world have a 2nd Amendment protection like the US?

Does any other country in the world have a 2nd Amendment protection like the US?

Only 3 countries in the world protect the right to bear arms in their constitutions: the US, Mexico, and Guatemala. Only three countries in the world currently have a constitutional right to own a gun: the US, Mexico, and Guatemala.

How many countries allow guns?

More than 175 of the world’s countries allow their citizens to own firearms—though most have specific regulations on ownership, such as banning certain types of firearms. Mexico, Guatemala, and the United States have gone one step further and made gun ownership a constitutional right.

Is the 2nd Amendment responsible for America’s gun culture?

America has forever been playing a tug-of-war with gun rights and gun control and the much debated 2nd amendment of the American Constitution may have been partly responsible for the kind of gun culture prevalent in the country. So, what exactly does the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution say?

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How many countries have a constitutional right to own a gun?

1 Only three countries in the world currently have a constitutional right to own a gun: the US, Mexico, and Guatemala. 2 Six other countries used to have a constitutional right to bear arms, but they’ve since repealed those laws. 3 The US is the only country with a right to keep and bear arms with no constitutional restrictions.

Which countries have rescinded the constitutional right to bear arms?

All of those countries, excluding Mexico, the US, and Guatemala, have since rescinded the constitutional right to bear arms, The New York Times reported. Members of a small community in Mexico defend their town against gang criminals with guns. Just south of the US border, the Mexican government has a strict hold over civilian gun ownership.

What does the Second Amendment mean to you?

The second amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

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