
Does GameCube work on PC?

Does GameCube work on PC?

Find a compatible GameCube to PC adapter You will need a GameCube controller to PC adapter. There are a few available online with newer editions offering compatibility with the Nintendo Switch. The older adapters are designed to work with both the Wii U and PC.

Was Nintendo GameCube a failure?

Despite making a small profit for Nintendo, the GameCube lost Nintendo sizable market share, finishing in third place in terms of hardware sales, which has led to it being characterized as a commercial failure. Here are 10 things that contributed to the GameCube’s failure.

Can you use official GameCube Adapter PC?

Plug the black USB cord from the adapter into your PC. Install the bundled vJoy program, which lets the GameCube controller speak to the PC. The GC adapter program will boot up, and you will need to click the “Start” button to enable it to work.

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What are the dimensions of a GameCube?


An indigo GameCube (right) with memory card inside and GameCube controller
Online services LAN Phantasy Star Online Homeland
Dimensions 150 × 161 × 110 mm 5.9 × 6.3 × 4.3 in (width × depth × height)
Mass 2.4 kg 5 lb. 5 oz.
Best-selling game Super Smash Bros. Melee, 7.09 million (as of March 10, 2008)

Can you use the smash GameCube adapter on PC?

Windows. On Windows, the GameCube controller adapter will need a custom driver to let Dolphin detect it and use it, Zadig can help you with it. From 5.0-2472 to 5.0-10617 it was possible to alternatively use UsbDk, but it is no longer supported in current versions.

Is the GameCube controller good for PC?

I picked one up last month when they were first available and it works amazingly well. I use it for both the WiiU smash, and dolphin emulator on the PC. It’s also configurable as a standard controller that can be used in other pc games.

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