
Does Gotham have insurance?

Does Gotham have insurance?

Gotham provides homeowner insurance in about 15 states including NY, NJ, PA, CT, as well as auto insurance.

Does Gotham have Batman insurance?

If you’re a Gotham City resident, you may want to change that. …

Is Cleveland a Metropolis?

Metropolis was based in the original Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster stories on their home of Cleveland, but later writers and artists drew inspiration from New York City. But in comic book continuity, Metropolis is often placed on the Delaware side of Delaware Bay, just across the water from its sister city of Gotham.

How far apart are Metropolis and Gotham City?

Distance between Metropolis and Gotham is 6658 KM / 4137.2 miles.

Is Batman Dark Knight Returns canon?

As acclaimed as The Dark Knight Returns is, there are multiple reasons why it can’t (and shouldn’t) ever be considered part of any official DC canon. Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns is not only one of the most important Batman stories ever written, but one of the most influential comics of all time.

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Is The Dark Knight Returns a sequel?

Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again, also known as DK2, is a 2001-2002 DC Comics three-issue limited series comic book written and illustrated by Frank Miller and colored by Lynn Varley, featuring the fictional superhero Batman. The series is a sequel to Miller’s 1986 miniseries The Dark Knight Returns.

What is a Metropolis city?

metropolitan area, also called Metropolis, a major city together with its suburbs and nearby cities, towns, and environs over which the major city exercises a commanding economic and social influence.

Is there a Metropolis Kansas?

On the Smallville television series, Metropolis is located in western Kansas over by Dodge City (a six-hour round trip, according to some episodes). In an interview, the creators of Smallville have stated that Metropolis is approximately 100 miles (160 kilometers) from Smallville.