
Does ODM gear work in real life?

Does ODM gear work in real life?

human bodies just aren’t built to handle forces and accelerations above a certain limit. Too much acceleration will keep our hearts from properly pumping blood. Obviously, that’s not ideal. Real ODM gear would also be limited by a user’s neurology and senses.

What is the range of ODM gear?

That’s a range of just over three meters (or 10.29 feet), clearly wrong considering what we’ve seen in the show. Our estimates for internal diameter and wire thickness were already very generous though, and we “rounded up” the external diameter to 20cm.

Why did Kenny become a Titan?

He wanted to know what does it feel like to be kind and compassionate. His grand dream was to take the Founding Titan and see the world like Uri once did.

What did the real Kenny Ackerman look like?

Kenny Ackerman was a very tall and slim man who appeared to be well-built. He had short, coarse-looking dark hair that reached to his neck and also had a thin beard along his jawline.

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What is ODM gear in attack on Titan?

The ODM gear has been a staple of Attack on Titan since the series creation, giving Paradis Island’s residents a means of fast travel across forests and the Walls, while also having a fighting chance against Titans in battle.

Why is ODM gear so important to Eren?

Due to the creatures only being vulnerable to napes on the backs of their necks, this weakness has made the mastery of ODM gear crucial to the effectiveness of Eren Yeager and other Survey Corps members in defeating both Titans and individuals who hold the power of the Nine Titans.

What is an ODM hook?

The user also shoots the ODM hook a photo of Zeke Yeager’s Beast Titan. The ODM gear has been a staple of Attack on Titan since the series creation, giving Paradis Island’s residents a means of fast travel across forests and the Walls, while also having a fighting chance against Titans in battle.