
Does Rey have a higher Midichlorians than Anakin?

Does Rey have a higher Midichlorians than Anakin?

Originally Answered: Hypothetically, what do you estimate is Rey’s midi chlorian count? 14,000 midichlorians. Anakin had over 20,000 midichlorians and his children had 18,000 each.

Who was the most powerful character in Star Wars?

Darth Vader
Most powerful being overall in the Star Wars universe Generally speaking, most Star Wars fans consider Darth Vader to be the strongest Star Wars character overall. Some of this, of course, is due to sheer name recognition — Vader is known even by people who have never seen a single scene of a Star Wars movie.

Why did Anakin have such a high Midichlorian count?

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It was only after Anakin was born in 41 BBY that Gardulla lost Shmi and the child to Watto in a pod-racing bet. Qui-Gon theorized that Anakin was conceived by midi-chlorians—microscopic organisms that help Jedi connect to the Force. This would explain Anakin’s unusually high midi-chlorian count.

Is Rey’s redemption arc better than Anakin’s (Star Wars)?

RELATED: Star Wars: 5 Reasons Kylo Ren’s Redemption Arc Is Better Than Anakin’s (& 5 It’s Darth Vader) Rey had some training from Luke and Leia, but it’s nothing compared to Anakin’s teachers who were way more qualified and had the resources to properly train a Jedi.

How well do you know Kylo Ren from Star Wars?

Whether you’re a fan of Rey or prefer Finn as a new hero in the universe, it’s pretty hard to forget about Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren is a chaotic character whose origins place him somewhere in the middle between the light and the dark side of the Force.

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How strong is Rey’s attack power compared to Vader’s?

Compared to all that’s been said about Anakin, Rey doesn’t have much. Her most impressive feat has been lifting up all the rocks at the end of The Last Jedi, which does show an ability to focus on multiple objects at once, but Vader initiated the attack above by activating the Thermal Detonators on the rebel’s uniforms.

How powerful is Kylo Ren compared to Palpatine?

Kylo Ren is quite tame compared to Darth Vader and so is Snoke compared to Palpatine or Darth Maul or Count Dooku, for that matter. His power has been compared to yuuzhang vong living planet zenoma zekot, he is rots sidious level in power per numerous sources and owned planetary level force user ventress while vastly pre prime via tk.