
Does RSO have to be indica?

Does RSO have to be indica?

RSO is generally made with indica-heavy strains of marijuana, and Simpson himself recommends making your own RSO. By using a high-THC strain like Cannabis indica, RSO’s sedative effects supposedly aid in healing the body from a variety of ailments.

Is RSO made with sativa or indica?

RSO delivers concentrated doses of therapeutic cannabis plant compounds, and especially of THC. Because it is produced with medicinal value in mind, RSO is usually made from heavy indica strains that are known for producing analgesic, anxiolytic, and sedating whole-body effects.

What strain is best for RSO?

Platinum is one of the first strains to test at over 20 percent THC regularly. Platinum OG is an indica-dominant strain associated with heavy physical sedation which makes it one of the best strains for making Rick Simpson Oil.

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Does indica or sativa help more with pain?

The researchers found that participants preferred indica strains for pain management, sedation, and sleep while they would opt for sativa strains to improve energy and mood. Regarding pain management, participants reported a statistically significant effect when using indica for: non-migraine headaches.

Is RSO stronger than distillate?

RSO is thought to be a more “raw” form of concentrate as it retains more plant matter than distillate, which strips away some of it during the extraction process. It’s also an easier DIY method that results in a highly potent final product.

Does RSO expire?

If your oil is more than a year old, consider replacing. Its potency and purity may have degraded over time. This is largely dependent on the product type and how often it has been opened since first breaking the seal. RSO’s and distillates generally have a much longer shelf life because of their lack of additives.

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Is RSO different from edibles?

RSO works for edibles because the cannabinoids in the extract have been decarbed while cooking off the solvent used for extraction. You’ll need to be careful, though, as homemade cannabis butter and other edibles do not have measured THC dosages. As you can see, it’s also a bit of a process to make your own edibles.

How is RSO different?

RSO differs from a lot of other cannabis oils because it contains higher levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the main psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana that gets people “high.” Other therapeutic cannabis oils tend to contain a cannabinoid called cannabidiol (CBD) and little or no THC.

What is full spectrum RSO?

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is a full spectrum extract of cannabis oil is. It is a highly concentrated cannabis oil that contains all compounds from the cannabis plant in the extraction. It is also commonly known as Rick Simpson Oil, named after Rick Simpson who developed the product that helped cure his skin cancer.

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How much RSO should I take?

Traditional RSO Dosing The goal is to consume 60 grams of RSO over the course of 90 days. In the first week, three doses should be taken each day, once in the morning, afternoon, and at night. RSO is very potent. The beginning dose should be the size of a half a grain of rice.