
Does tandem mean side by side?

Does tandem mean side by side?

The phrase “in tandem,” the reader said, doesn’t mean parallel or side by side. It means one after the other. The headline refers to two projects that occurred almost simultaneously. So if two companies work together on a project, the result could be called a “tandem operation.”

What is tandem cockpit?

The two seating configurations for trainer, night and all-weather interceptor or attack aircraft are pilot and instructor side by side or in tandem. A common engineering adaptation is to lengthen the cockpit or fuselage to create a trainer with tandem seating from a single-seater aircraft.

What do you call a plane with two wings?

biplane, airplane with two wings, one above the other. In the 1890s this configuration was adopted for some successful piloted gliders.

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Why is it called a tandem?

The term tandem refers to the seating arrangement (fore to aft, not side by side), not the number of riders. Patents related to tandem bicycles date from the mid 1880s. Tandems can reach higher speeds than the same riders on single bicycles, and tandem bicycle racing exists.

What is another word for tandem?

What is another word for tandem?

two pair
deuce doublet
duet dyad
twosome couplet
brace duology

How did biplanes shoot through propellers?

Machine guns were mounted on the top of the fuselage, directly in front of the pilot, but that position placed the gun directly behind the propeller. The gun had to be designed to fire through the propeller without hitting it, which was not an easy task.

What is tandem work?

tandem. adjective. Definition of tandem (Entry 3 of 3) 1 : consisting of things or having parts arranged one behind the other. 2 : working or occurring in conjunction with each other.

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How does a tandem work?

A tandem lets two riders of different abilities cycle together without anyone getting left behind. Two adults can go faster than one adult on a solo bike because, while you’re doubling the power, weight isn’t quite doubled (one tandem is lighter than two solos), and wind resistance stays almost the same.