
Does the Big Bang theory violate the law of conservation of energy?

Does the Big Bang theory violate the law of conservation of energy?

Therefore, to those who claim that the very idea of a Big Bang violates the First Law of Thermodynamics (also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy) that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, proponents respond that the Big Bang does not address the creation of the universe, only its evolution, and …

How does the expanding universe relate to the big bang?

The Doppler red-shift of light observed from distant stars and galaxies gives evidence that the universe is expanding (moving away from a central point). This allows for Big Bang Theory, because after a “bang” occurs all of the matter moves away from the point of origin.

Is the Big Bang an expansion of matter?

The Big Bang is not an explosion of matter moving outward to fill an empty universe. Instead, space itself expands with time everywhere and increases the physical distances between comoving points. In other words, the Big Bang is not an explosion in space, but rather an expansion of space.

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Who came up with the big crunch theory?

His theory is based on proposals made by French mathematician André Lichnerowicz in the 50s. Another theory about the potential end of the Universe relates to the so-called ‘Big Crunch’.

What do you think will happen to the first law of thermodynamics if the conservation of energy is broken?

The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another. The First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation) states that energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed. In the process of energy transfer, some energy will dissipate as heat.

What did the Big Bang expand from?

The big-bang theory of the universe is derived from Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity and the idea that the universe expanded from a miniscule dense collection of energy called a singularity. There was no bang, just a vast expansion of extremely condensed material.

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What did Einstein say about the Big Bang?

1931 manuscript, only recently spotted in Hebrew University archive, suggests steady, eternal expansion of universe, but Einstein swiftly corrected it. Albert Einstein once proposed an alternative to the Big Bang theory, arguing that rather than a single explosive event, the universe expanded steadily and eternally.

What is the fate of the universe will the universe continue to expand or will it eventually contract because of the gravity?

According to this theory, the universe will one day stop expanding. Then, as gravity pulls on the matter, the universe will begin to contract, falling inward until it has collapsed back into a super-hot, super-dense singularity.