
Does the Nytimes have a bridge column?

Does the Nytimes have a bridge column?

Reflecting as a Run Comes to an End It was with much sadness that I learned The New York Times has decided to eliminate its bridge column.

Does New York Times games include crossword?

A subscription to The New York Times Games gives you access to: All of The New York Times Word Games and Logic Puzzles including: The Crossword – Access to the Daily Crossword puzzles the evening before their release in print. The Mini Crossword.

What section of the NYT has the crossword?

The Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Crossword puzzles are also printed in the Arts section of the print edition of The New York Times. The Sunday Crossword puzzle is printed in the Sunday Magazine.

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What are the columns on a bridge called?

Also called bent. Typically bents with one column are called piers. A vertical shaft driven into the ground that carries loads through weak layers of soil to those capable of supporting such loads.

What is a bridge column?

Single-column bents support the entire superstructure (rails, deck, beams/girders, bent, etc.) of a bridge. They are frequently used on elevated direct connectors and ramps in urban areas where lower roadways limit the footprints of support structures.

Is the NYT Spelling Bee times?

New daily digital Spelling Bee puzzles are released every day at 3am Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Is spelling bee included in NYT subscription?

What is included in a New York Times Games subscription? You’ll get access to the daily full-size and Mini crosswords online and in our iPhone, iPad and Android apps. You’ll also have access to our other games — Spelling Bee, Letter Boxed, Tiles and Vertex — all created by our experts.

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What does Rebus mean in crossword?

“A ‘rebus’ in a crossword is anything that gets entered in a square that’s not a single letter of the alphabet. Typically, rebuses are parts of themes,” Mr. Shortz said via email.