
Does the Quran say to seek knowledge?

Does the Quran say to seek knowledge?

The Quran urges the mankind to think, ponder, reflect and acquire knowledge that would bring them closer to God and his creation. The prophet Muhammad (SAW) commanded knowledge upon all Muslims, and urged them to seek knowledge as far they could reach, and also to seek it all times.

What is the Islamic concept of knowledge?

Knowledge in the Western world means information about something, divine or corporeal, while In Islamic point of view ‘ilm is an all-embracing term covering theory, action and education, it is not confined to the acquisition of knowledge only, but also embraces socio-political and moral requires insight.

What Quran said about knowledge?

About those who have knowledge, the Quran says: “God will exalt by (many) degrees those of you who have attained to faith…” (Surah 58: 11). According to Quranic perspective, knowledge is a prerequisite for the creation of a just world in which authentic peace can prevail.

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What is the main subject of Quran?

Based on the essay, it can be concluded that the major themes of the Holy Quran are God, prophets, man, divine scriptures, and sin. God is merciful, forgiving and is above all what is on earth and in heaven. Man is guided by the sacred scriptures which were a revelation of Prophet Muhammad.

In what language does the Quran exist?

Translations of the Qurʻan are considered interpretations of the scripture of Islam in languages other than Arabic. The Qurʻan was originally written in the Arabic language and has been translated into most major African, Asian and European languages.

What Allah says about seeking knowledge?

The very first verse in the Quran urges people to seek knowledge: “recite in the name of your Lord who created.” The verse highlights the importance of reading, elevates the standing of knowledge and urges its pursuit, the sermon will say.