
Does Twitter use NoSQL?

Does Twitter use NoSQL?

Weil is quick to point out that Twitter is heavily dependent on MySQL. However, Twitter does employ NoSQL solutions for many purposes for which MySQL isn’t ideal. According to Weil, Twitter users generate 12 terrabytes of data a day – about four petabytes per year.

Does Twitter use SQL or NoSQL database?

Twitter uses MySQL as a “building block,” he said, “as a core of features we understand and functionality we trust”, upon which his team uses Gizzard for sharding and replication, InnoDB as its storage system, and a NoSQL database called FlockDB.

Why you should not use NoSQL?

NoSQL also lacks in the ability to perform dynamic operations. It can’t guarantee ACID properties. In such cases like financial transactions, etc., you may go with SQL databases. You should also avoid NoSQL if your application needs run-time flexibility.

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Does Instagram use NoSQL?

Instagram uses an interesting mashup of tried-and-true technologies alongside more cutting-edge tools, mixing SQL databases with NoSQL tools like Redis, and chosing to host its traditional Ubuntu servers in Amazon’s cloud.

Who is using Mongodb?

Who uses MongoDB?

Company Website Company Size
MSLGROUP 1000-5000
Zendesk Inc 1000-5000
Lorven Technologies 50-200
TerraCycle Inc. 500-1000

Does twitter use Hadoop?

Twitter runs multiple large Hadoop clusters that are among the biggest in the world. Hadoop is at the core of our data platform and provides vast storage for analytics of user actions on Twitter.

Does Coinbase use MongoDB?

At Coinbase, we use a wide variety of datastores, including MongoDB, Postgres, and Redis. One of the things that has consistently been troublesome for us is MongoDB migrations.