
How are concussions currently treated?

How are concussions currently treated?

Your doctor will recommend that you physically and mentally rest to recover from a concussion. Relative rest, which includes limiting activities that require thinking and mental concentration, is recommended for the first two days after a concussion.

What is the best concussion treatment?

After the first 24 hours, ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen sodium (Naprosyn, Aleve) are generally more effective for pain relief, and are safe. In some patients, nausea and vomiting can be bothersome, and prescription medications can help. Restful sleep is important in all stages of recovery from concussion.

What are two forms of treatment for a concussion?

Current guidelines recommend physical and cognitive rest as the mainstays for treating sport-related concussion. Physical rest is straightforward and understood by most athletes.

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How do you treat a concussion in a child?


  1. make sure the child has physical rest and avoids sports or physical activity.
  2. allow the child to rest mentally, too. They should not do anything that needs a lot of concentration, such as school work. Limit their screen time, such as video games and television.

What current preventive strategies exist to Minimise head injuries in sport?

Primary Prevention Recent literature into strategies for primary concussion prevention focuses on protective gear, proper technique, neck strengthening, rule changes, and education, especially in contact sports that pose the greatest SRC risk to players, such as football, hockey, soccer, and rugby.

How do you treat a 3 year old with a concussion?

Treatment for a concussion: Sleep or rest quietly for the first 24 hours after the injury. It is safe for your child to sleep even though your child had a concussion. Give pain medicine as ordered by your child’s doctor for any headaches, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or ibuprofen (Motrin® or Advil®).

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What to do if child vomits after hitting head?

Call an ambulance if your child has had head injury involving high speeds or heights, or if after a knock to the head they lose consciousness or vomit more than once. Your child may develop a number of different symptoms in the weeks after a head injury. Many of these require immediate medical attention.

How can multiple concussions be prevented?

Recommendations to help reduce the risk of concussion are:

  1. Ensure that the athlete wear a helmet that is appropriate for the sport that they are participating in.
  2. Ensure that the helmet is fit in accordance to the requirements for that particular sport.
  3. Avoid using the head as the primary focal point of contact.

What should I do if my 5 year old has a concussion?

Rest (for 1–2 days after the concussion)

  1. Have your child relax at home.
  2. Your child should avoid or cut down on screen time.
  3. Don’t let your teen drive.
  4. Be sure your child avoids all sports and any activities (such as roughhousing with friends, or riding a bike or skateboard) that could lead to another head injury.