
How biological weapons are made?

How biological weapons are made?

Gene therapy involves repairing or replacing a gene of an organism, permanently changing its genetic composition. By replacing existing genes with harmful genes, this technique can be used to manufacture bioweapons (2).

Are biological agents more powerful than the usual weapon for warfare?

Biological warfare agents may be more potent than conventional and chemical weapons. During the past century, the progress made in biotechnology and biochemistry has simplified the development and production of such weapons. In addition, genetic engineering holds perhaps the most dangerous potential.

What are chemical and biological weapons?

For example, chemicals used to make nerve agents are also used to make plastics and to process foodstuffs. Biological weapons are infectious or toxic agents (such as bacteria, rickettsia, and viruses) that are derived from natural sources and can cause disease or death.

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Are biological weapons easy to produce?

The materials needed to develop biological weapons are easy to access and relatively cheap. Many pathogens, such as the one that causes anthrax, don’t need to be developed in a lab; they can be found in nature.

What are biological weapons of mass destruction?

Biological weapons are microorganisms like virus, bacteria, fungi, or other toxins that are produced and released deliberately to cause disease and death in humans, animals or plants. Bioterrorism attacks could also result in an epidemic, for example if Ebola or Lassa viruses were used as the biological agents.

Why is biological warfare effective?

The following characteristics of biological warfare make them weapons of choice for mass destruction and terrorist action: incubation period (not immediate), amount required is less than chemical warfare agents, odorless, colorless, production with no need for specialized equipment, and natural distribution means that …

Are chemical and biological weapons a threat in the modern world?

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The kind of zeal displayed by heavily militarized nations on earth is what led to the creation of chemical and biological weapons, which have devastating results on the quality of life. The question of whether chemical and biological warfare are a threat in the current century has never been in doubt.

What are the disadvantages of biological weapons?

In addition to that there is another disadvantage, some of biological agents last for really long time, for example anthrax can live up to 50 years in soil. When detonating a biological weapon it won’t has one specific target but it can and does affect people, animals and plants within its impact radius which is hard to control.

What happens when you detonate a biological weapon?

When detonating a biological weapon it won’t has one specific target but it can and does affect people, animals and plants within its impact radius which is hard to control. This means that it has an ability to kill many innocent civilians including elders and children.

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Can a disease be used as a biological weapon?

Diseases are most likely to be considered for use as biological weapons, because it is easy to obtain and legalize these viruses and bacteria that cause the disease in the laboratory. But the real challenge is not how to make biological weapons, but how to affect the victim easily and effectively.