
How can I become a PGT math teacher in KVS?

How can I become a PGT math teacher in KVS?

2. In case of Honours Degree in Maths, the candidate should have studied Maths in all the years of graduation with atleast 50\% marks in aggregate and any of the two subjects indicated in point No. 1 above with atleast 50\% marks in each subject at graduation, level and also atleast 50\% marks in graduation.

How do I become a KVS maths teacher?

TGT (Maths) degree in Maths subject should have studied Maths in all three years of graduation with atleast 50 \% marks and any of two subjects i.e. Physics, Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics and Chemistry with atleast 50 \% marks in each subject at graduation level and atleast 50 \% marks in graduation.

Is BEd compulsory for teaching in KVS?

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Yes, B. Ed and CTET both are mandatory for the KVS TGT Post. (a) Four years integrated degree course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50\% marks in aggregate. (b) Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50\% marks in the concerned subject/combination of subject and in aggregate.

Is Ma Maths eligible for PGT?

Yes , For becoming A Maths PGT ,It is only required a MSc in maths and Education Degree like BEd and MEd.

How can I become a PGT maths teacher?

To become a PGT, a candidate must hold a post-graduation degree (M.S or M.Sc) in the relevant subject. Candidates with a masters degree in Hindi, English, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Geography, Commerce, and other subjects are eligible for the job.

Can Btech student apply for MSc?

UGC doesn’t allow btech students to do MSc physics or MSc maths or any other masters of science as the eligibility criteria is BSc/BS in relevant subject. You can do MSc physics only from the deemed universities which don’t strictly follow ugc guidelines that too only after cracking their exams after btech.

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Can I do m ed after b tech?

No, you can’t directly go for M. Ed after your B.E as eligibility for M. Ed in most of the top universities is pass with 50\% aggregate marks in B. Ed.